Teenage Panda Turtles

(Teens Jiu-Jitsu Classes)

Get Your Teens Active and ready for the future with our Teens Jiu-Jitsu Classes

Teenage Panda Turtles

(Ages 13 through 17)

Our teenage program is an extension and a logical progression of our Panda Cubs Program. These classes  are more technically focused and will introduce a broader view of Jiu-Jitsu concepts allowing the students to make educated decisions regarding self-defense and the sport of Jiu-Jitsu. In our teenage classes we will help you child learn to focus, problem solve, sportsman ship and how to deal with adversity. These Martial arts Classes Will Prepare your teen for anything the modern world can throw at them! 

Kids Jiu-Jitsu class, students stretching

Build Confidence

Jiu-Jitsu helps build confidence in teens by teaching them self-defense skills, promoting physical fitness, and fostering a sense of achievement through overcoming challenges and mastering techniques.

Rebuild Focus & Discipline

Jiu-Jitsu can help enhance your teens’ focus and discipline by requiring them to concentrate on techniques, follow structured classes, and develop a committed practice schedule, which translates into improved attention and self-control in other areas of life.

Get In shape

Jiu-Jitsu helps get teens in shape by providing a full-body workout that gets them moving in a fun way. Our classes help build muscle strength, and increase flexibility

Overall, Teenage Panda Turtles Jiu-Jitsu classes are a fantastic way for teens to get active, learn self defense, build confidence, and have fun while making new friends!